Biyernes, Marso 18, 2011


Retiring Investing & Doing Business in the Philippines
For expatriates, foreigners and Filipino Baligbayans planning a retirement, investing, and or doing business in the Philippines there a various ways to best accomplish these tasks for each retiree, investor, and business owners specific situation and requirements. From forming a Philippine Corporation, to the various Philippine Visas available to retire, invest, do business and work in the Philippines there are various ways to accomplish these for maximum benefit, lowest risk, and cost effectiveness.. See the following links for more information retiring in the Philippines, investing in the Philippines, and doing business in the Philippines to securely perform these tasks.
Options Available To Provide Complete Benefits & Protection
For foreigners retiring, investing and doing business in the Philippines requires more than one of these options in conjunction together to best accomplish the total task required by each foreign retiree, and investor.
The Total & Complete Solution – Philippine Retiring In The Philippines
Through the Philippine Retirement Authority or PRA, foreign retires can avail of The PRA’s Philippine’s Special Resident Retiree’s Visa or SRRV. One requirement of this program is that a investment amount is required depending upon your age to be qualified for the PRA. The investment amount varies depending upon your particular situation. Compare this to forming a Philippine Corporation. Forming a Philippine Corporation may provide similar or more benefits at a lower cost than compared with the PRA program, but it really depends on the retiree’s specific circumstances and requirements. Contact us with your specific requirements so we can best provide you all the options available to you.
Philippine Board of Investments BOI Investors Visa
The Special Investor’s Resident Visa SIRV, issued by the Philippine Board of Investment or BOI in pursuant to the provisions of the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, as amended and these implementing rules and regulations, shall entitle the holder to reside in the Philippines for an indefinite period as long as the required qualifications and investments are maintained as provided for in Article 74 of the Code. The visa when issued by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate shall be issued with the following notation: Special Investor’s Resident Visa under the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987.
Investing In The Philippines
For foreign investors wishing to invest in Philippine assets such as a business and or Philippine real estate, investors visas are available from Philippine Immigration. Restrictions do apply so contact us or Philippine Immigration for more information on obtaining an investors visa. An investors visa is one option combined with forming a Philippine Corporation to invest and do business in the Philippines. Foreign investors wishing to invest in publicly traded companies on the Philippine Stock Exchange may contact a Philippine Stock Broker to open a stock investment trading account. Any foreign individual or corporation may open an account with a Philippine stock broker without restriction.
Doing Business In The Philippines
For foreign investors wishing to conduct business in the Philippines as a Philippine Company the best way is to form a Philippine Corporation. 

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